Seyed Payam Hosseini
Seyed Payam Hosseini was born in Sanandaj, Rojhilat-Kurdistan in 1990. The film director and managing director of the Priya Film Haghighat production company studied architecture and is a graduate of the Iranian Young Cinema Association. He promotes young filmmakers and supports children suffering from cancer.
Seyed Payam Hosseini wurde 1990 in Sanandaj, Rojhilat-Kurdistan, geboren. Der Filmregisseur und Geschäftsführer der Produktionsfirma Priya Film Haghighat hat Architektur studiert und ist Absolvent des Iranian Young Cinema Association. Er fördert junge Filmemacher und unterstützt krebskranke Kinder.
Seyed Payam Hosseini di sala 1990-an de li Sanandaj, li Iranê de ji dayik bûye, derhênerî xwendiye û rêvebirê firma Priya Film Haghighat prodution û derçûyê Komela Sînemaya Ciwan a Iranianranî ye. piştgiriyê fîlmçêkerên ciwan dike û zarokên ye bi qanserê nexweş ketine.
2019 / Zara
2019 / The Old Sounds of Kurdistan
2018 / Living in the Village 2 | He
2017 / Living in the Village 1 | Big Theft
2016 / Ring 2
2015 / Ring 1
2014 / Fozhan
2013 / Chop Art
2012 / Khosrow Abad Sanandaj Mansion
2011 / The Suffering of Life
2010 / Wishes Fly
2009 / Subconsciously Inside Me
2008 / Hiva