Beston Zirian
My Name is BESTON ZIRIAN, I was born in Slemani, Kurdistan. I am a freelance director, screenwriter and Cinematographer.
From 2005 to 2007, I studied “Digital Film & Animation” at the SAE Institute Leipzig (Germany) and then worked as a camera and lighting assistant in various international cinema and television productions such as "In Darkness" and "SOKO Leipzig" (ZDF, German public TV channel). Since 2008, I have been organizing camera workshops about image design and camera work.
From 2010 to 2012, I was a visiting student of dramaturgy and film aesthetics at the Film University Babels berg KONRAD WOLF (Germany).
From 2015 to 2016, I was a participant of the TP2 Talent Pool in the section of directing where I have deve loped the feature film project “The Broken Doll”.
BESTON ZIRIAN wurde in Slemani, Kurdistan, geboren. Er ist freiberuflicher Regisseur, Drehbuchautor und Kameramann.
Von 2005 bis 2007 studierte er "Digital Film & Animation" am SAE Institute Leipzig (Deutschland) und arbeitete anschließend als Kamera- und Beleuchtungsassistent in verschiedenen internationalen Kino- und Fernsehproduktionen wie "In Darkness" und "SOKO Leipzig" (ZDF). Seit 2008 organisiere ich Kamera-Workshops zum Thema Bildgestaltung und Kameraführung. Von 2010 bis 2012 war ich Gaststudentin für Dramaturgie und Filmästhetik an der Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF (Deutschland).
Von 2015 bis 2016 war ich Teilnehmerin des TP2 Talent Pools im Bereich Regie, wo ich das Spielfilmprojekt "The Broken Doll" entwickelt habe.
Navê min Beston Zirian e. Li Silêmaniya Kurdistanê hatime dinyayê. Derhêner, senarîst û derhênerê dîmenan yê serbest im. Ji 2005an heta 2007an li SAE Institute Leipzigê (Almanya) min perwerdeya Fîlma Dîjîtal û Anîmasyonê dît û paşan di berhemên navdewletî, “In Darkness” û “SOKO Leipzig”, yên sînema û televîzyonan da wekî asîstanê kamêra û ronahiyê min kir. Ji sala 2008an ve li ser sêwirandina dîmeman û xebatên kamerayê pêşangehên kamerayê bi rê ve dibim. Ji sala 2010an heta 2012an, li Zanîngeha Babwlsberg KONRAD WOLFê (Almanya) di warê dramatûrjiya fîlman û estetîkê da xwendekarê mehvan bûm. Di navbera salên2015-2016 da, ez beşdar bûm di beşa derhêneriyê ya TP2 Hewza Behremendiyê da ku min projeya fîlma xwe ya dirêj.
2015 “No place like home” (short documentary), direction, camera, production >> Awards (selection):
“Best Documentary” and “Amnesty International Human Rights Award” International Short Film Festival Diessen (Germany)
“Recognition Award” Hollywood International Independent Documentary Awards - “Audience Award” “Kurzsüchtig“ Short Film Festival Leipzig (Germany) - “Best Documentary“ Inn Short Film Festival (Aus tria) - Finalist “New York Film and Television Festival”
- “Best Documentary” Kleinkaap Short Film Festival (South Africa) - Semi-Finalist “Near Nazareth Festi val“ (NNF Israel)
2012 „Last Minute Kandahar“ (short fictional film), direction, camera, production
2011 „Extrawurst“ (short fictional film), direction, camera, production
2010 „Fiji, ich komme“ (short fictional film), camera, awarded by “SAE Alumni Award” 2010 “Heimat, die ich auf der Straße fand“ (short fictional film), direction, camera, production 2009 „Café Ostrale“ (short fictional film), direction, camera
2007 “Der Überfall” (short fictional film), direction, camera