We are happy to announce that the Kurdish Film Festival Berlin is officially supported by the Kurdish Community Germany e. V..
In order to support young Kurdish newcomer filmmakers, the chairman of the community, Ali Ertan Toprak, will select a winning film from the existing short film competition program, which will be rewarded with a prize money of 1000€.
We are happy to announce that the Kurdish Film Festival Berlin is officially supported by the Kurdish Community Germany e. V..
In order to support young Kurdish newcomer filmmakers, the chairman of the community, Ali Ertan Toprak, will select a winning film from the existing short film competition program, which will be rewarded with a prize money of 1000€.
Em bi kêfxweşî radigihînin ku Festîvala Fîlmên Kurdî ya Berlînê bi fermî ji aliyê Civaka Kurd a Almanyayê ve bê piştgirî kirin. Ji bo piştgirîkirina sînemagerên ciwan ên kurd, serokê civatê Alî Ertan Toprak, wê ji bernameya pêşbirka kurtefîlman a herî fîlmekî serketî hilbijêre û bi 1000 € xelat bê dayîn.
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