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Derya Durmaz
Derya Durmaz

Derya Durmaz

Derya Durmaz studied Economy, Human Rights Law, and Acting. Her 1st short film “Ziazan '' received Armenia Turkey Cinema Platform’s Best Project Award, participated in over 40 international festivals, won 11 awards, and received full coverage in the Washington Post and Monocle magazine. Her 2nd short film “Mother Virgin No More (Gri Bolge)” premiered at the 65th Berlinale Generation 14- plus Short Film Competition, participated in over 25 international festivals, and was screened at the Berlin-based Institut NGBK's ’77-13 Political Art and Resistance in Turkey’ series of events. She was the 1st director from Turkey to be selected to Toronto Film Festival’s TIFF TALENT LAB 2015. In 2016 she was selected to BERLINALE TALENTS. With her 1st feature film project ‘The Bus To Amerika’, she was selected to FIRST FILMS FIRST, GOETHE INSTITUT YOUNG DIRECTORS ACADEMY SOUTH EAST EUROPE in 2016 and to GLOBAL MEDIA MAKERS Program of LA-based FILM INDEPENDENT in 2018. The project received a grant from GERMAN TURKISH CO-PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT FUND.

Derya Durmaz hat Wirtschaft, Menschenrechte und Schauspiel studiert. Ihr erster Kurzfilm „Ziazan“ erhielt den Best Project Award der Armenia Turkey Cinema Platform, nahm an über 40 internationalen Festivals teil, gewann 11 Preise und wurde in der Washington Post und im Monocle Magazin ausführlich gefeatured. Ihr zweiter Kurzfilm „Mother Virgin No More (Gri Bolge)“ wurde beim 65. Berlinale Generation 14-plus Short Film Competition uraufgeführt, nahm an über 25 internationalen Festivals teil und wurde im Berliner institut ngbk ’77-13 Political Art and Resistance in Turkey’ gezeigt. Sie war die erste Regisseurin aus der Türkei, die für das TIFF TALENT LAB 2015 des Toronto Film Festivals ausgewählt wurde. 2016 wurde sie für die BERLINALE TALENTS ausgewählt. Mit ihrem ersten Spielfilmprojekt 'The Bus To Amerika' wurde sie 2016 für FIRST FILMS FIRST, GOETHE INSTITUT YOUNG DIRECTORS ACADEMY SOUTH EAST EUROPE und 2018 für das GLOBAL MEDIA MAKERS Program von FILM INDEPENDENT in LA ausgewählt. Das Projekt wird vom GERMAN TURKISH CO-PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT FUND gefördert.

Derya Durmaz aborî, mafên mirovan û lîstikvaniyê xwend. Kurtefîlma wê ya yekem "Ziazan" Xelata Projeya Herî Baş ji Platforma Sînemaya Ermenîstanê ya Tirkiyê stend, beşdarî zêdetirî 40 festîvalên navneteweyî bû, 11 xelat wergirt û di kovara Washington Post û Monocle de bi berfirehî hate pêşandan. Kurtefîlma wê ya duyem "Mother Virgin No More (Gri Bolge)" di 65. Pêşbaziya Kurtefîlman a Berlinale Generation 14-plus de hate pêşandan û beşdarî zêdetirî 25 festîvalên navneteweyî bû. Ew yekem derhênera jin a ji Tirkiyeyê bû ku di Festîvala Fîlman a Torontoyê de ji bo TIFF TALENT LAB -a 2015 -an hat hilbijartin. Di sala 2016 -an de ew ji bo BERLINALE TALENTS hate hilbijartin.

2011-2014 Camerawoman And Tv Reporter in
2014-2017 Tv Reporter in Iraq and KRG (North
2017-2019 Tv
