Kasım Ördek
Kasım Ördek (Diyarbakır, 1992) completed his primary and secondary
education in Istanbul. He received his undergraduate degree in Istanbul
Yeni Yüzyıl University’s Department of Radio, Television and Cinema.
Shoehorn is director’s first short film.
Kasım Ördek (Diyarbakır, 1992) schloss seine Grund- und Sekundarschulausbildung in Istanbul ab. Seinen Bachelor-Abschluss machte er an der Fakultät für Radio, Fernsehen und Kino der Istanbuler Yeni Yüzyıl Universität. Shoehorn ist der erste Kurzfilm des Regisseurs.
Kasım Ördek (Diyarbekir, 1992) xwendina xwe ya seretayî û navîn li Stenbolê temam kir. Xwendina xwe ya lîsansê li Zankoya İstanbul Yeni Yüzyılê, di beşa radyo, televîzyon û sînemayê de temam kir. Shoehorn, kurtefîlma wî ya ewil e.
I’m Raining Down İnto The City - 2019