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Ranj Mustafa
Ranj Mustafa
Ranj Mustafa

Ranj Mustafa

Born in 1985 in Sulaymaniyah, Ranj graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts in Erbil and later went to France for his master's degree in filmmaking. He worked in TV productions and directed short films as well as two theater pieces. His latest short film is “Dark And Bright Room.” He works in the department of filmmaking in the college of fine arts.

Ranj wurde 1985 in Sulaymaniyah geboren, absolvierte am Institut für Bildende Künste in Erbil seinen Bachelor und ging später für seinen Master in Film nach Frankreich. Er arbeitete in Fernsehproduktionen und führte bei Kurzfilmen sowie bei zwei Theaterstücken Regie. Sein neuester Kurzfilm ist „Dark And Bright Room“. Er arbeitet als Lehrender an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste im Bereich Film.

Renc di sala 1985-an de li Silêmaniyê ji dayik bûye, Enstîtuya Hunerên Xweşik li Hewlêrê qedandiye, û dûvre jî ji bo masterê di beşa fîlimê de diçe Fransayê. Di hilberên TV-yê xebitiye û kurtefîlman derhêner kirye û her wiha du perçeyên şanoyê çêkirye. Kurtefîlma wî ya dawiye bi navê "Dark And Bright Room" ye. Ew di beşa fîlman de li zanîngeha hunerên bedew dixebite.
