The Taste of WaterThe Taste of WaterThe Taste of Water
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In the village of "Dizaj Dol" near Iran's Lake Urmia, water scarcity has dried up wells and gardens. Farmers Kak Mohammad and Mashhadi Askar, who come from different backgrounds, are facing the environmental challenges in their own way. Kak Mohammad's well still has some water, but as the sea dries up, he can no longer feed his garden. Drought and salt storms bring disasters that lead to recession, unemployment and disease in the region. Villagers turn to prayer, each following his faith: Mashhadi Asgar and the Azaris hold a ceremony near the dried lake, while Kak Mohammad and the Kurds gather in mosques. Despite setbacks, Kak Mohammad persists with wedding plans for his son, but concerns about the future and the state of the lake persist.
In the village of "Dizaj Dol" near Iran's Lake Urmia, water shortages have dried up wells and gardens. Farmers Kak Mohammad and Mashhadi Askar, from different backgrounds, face environmental challenges in their own ways. Kak Mohammad's well has some water left, but as the sea dries up, it struggles to sustain his garden. Drought and salt storms bring disaster, causing recession, unemployment, and illness in the region. Villagers turn to prayer, each following their beliefs: Mashhadi Asgar and the Azaris hold a ceremony near the dried-up lake, while Kak Mohammad and the Kurds gather in mosques. Despite setbacks, Kak Mohammad proceeds with his son's wedding plans, yet concerns linger about the future and the state of the sea.
Li gundê “Dîzaj Dol” a ser bi gola Urmiyê ya Îranê, kêmbûna avê bîr û bax û baxçe zuha kirine. Cotkarên Kak Mihemed û Meşhedî Askar ku ji pêkhateyên cuda ne, bi awayê xwe bi pirsgirêkên jîngehê re rû bi rû ne. Bîra Kak Mihemed hîn jî hinek av heye, lê ji ber ku derya zuha dibe, êdî nikare baxçê xwe bide xwarin. Ziwabûn û bahozên xwê felaketên ku li herêmê dibe sedema paşketin, bêkarî û nexweşiyan tîne. Gundî berê xwe didin nimêjê, her yek li gorî baweriya xwe: Meşhedî Asgar û Azarî li nêzî gola hişkbûyî merasîmek li dar dixin, lê Kak Mihemed û Kurd li mizgeftan kom dibin. Tevî şikestinan, Kak Mihemed li ser planên zewaca kurê xwe berdewam dike, lê fikarên derbarê paşeroj û rewşa golê de berdewam in.
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ScreeningFilmvorführungPêşandana fîlman
09.10.2023, 19:15
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